"From heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. beauty can come from the most strangest of places even the most disgusting places." RIP Lee Alexander McQueen. This blog is dedicated to you, your art, your beauty, and your influence. Long live McQueen!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Didn't See This Coming

First Taylor Momsen, now Kelly Osbourne?! That's quite a dynamic, Madonna.

For her clothing line, Material Girl, Madonna has decided that it is time to change faces. And by faces we mean raccoon eyes and stripper boots. We really love Kelly Osbourne, but why would she pick up this line to endorse after that whore Taylor Momsen? Maybe the whole 'prostitot' factor wasn't selling.

Image Courtesy of GossipHall.com

We won't hold our breath, this might be a disaster.

So glad this streetwalker is gone. What was Lourdes thinking?!