"From heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. beauty can come from the most strangest of places even the most disgusting places." RIP Lee Alexander McQueen. This blog is dedicated to you, your art, your beauty, and your influence. Long live McQueen!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

the twentyten Fall 2011

Loved the twentyten's Fall collection. I love the sweater with matching skirt and those flared pants are a definite for Fall (we've been seeing them everywhere). That pattern pantsuit is phenomenal, and I'm so glad the printed pant is coming back. I need to stock my closet with about 18 different pairs. What makes this collection so great is the color palette. The hues are coordinated so that nothing overpowers anything else. The shoes are pretty cute too, but I like really high wedges that I can barely walk in. Well done!

Below are some images I took from this blogger, and then some personal ones. My doll, Denise Bowen, happened to be a part of the presentation. Absolutely love her look, she's one of the dearest models in the industry. 

My personal collection: