"From heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. beauty can come from the most strangest of places even the most disgusting places." RIP Lee Alexander McQueen. This blog is dedicated to you, your art, your beauty, and your influence. Long live McQueen!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Miz Wintour Covers WSJ

We love the head bitch in charge, otherwise known as Anna Wintour, and we try to read anything and everything about her. Imagine our surprise when the Wall Street Journal gave her the cover for their April 2011 issue. As usual, she looks fabulous, fierce, and unmistakably scary. Yes, I am scared of her, and I know you are too. 

She looks fab in that Prada dress and her usual jeweled neckline. I can't wait to pick up this issue and read it from cover to cover. Love me some 'tour!