"From heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. beauty can come from the most strangest of places even the most disgusting places." RIP Lee Alexander McQueen. This blog is dedicated to you, your art, your beauty, and your influence. Long live McQueen!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shop Addicts!

Last week I covered the Shop Addicts event, which featured Cosy, a company that was founded by Lissette Garcia for her desire to follow her passion. She operates the company with her husband, Pablo. The company was named after their two daughters, and Lissette embellishes the hats herself. Sales from proceeds will benefit cancer research.

Here are some pictures Vanessa Kowalski took of the event. The jewelry and hats are from the Cosy table, and if you want to find out more, visit cosycorporation.com.

Photos: VanessaKowalski.com